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Resistance, Sunset Overdrive dev Insomniac Games releases first PC game

Slow Down, Bull is the very first PC game from Insomniac Games.


Insomniac is best known for a string of console exclusives - Resistance and Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation, and Sunset Overdrive for Xbox One.

As far as I know it has never released a game on PC before (unless you want to be pedantic and point out Outernauts was playable through a browser), so Slow Down, Bull is something to celebrate.

Described as an "action collecting game", Slow Down, Bull has players steering (gettit?) Esteban, "a stressed-out overachieving bull". Esteban gets more and more stressed as you correct his course, and there are consequences to pushing him past his breaking point.

50% of Insomniac's proceeds on the score attack game will be donated to the Starlight Children's Foundation, which is pretty cool. It costs $6 on Steam.

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