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Report: Sony working on new console using AMD tech

Sony is working on a new, unannounced console that will implement AMD graphics technology, according to a Forbes report.

The report cites "former" employees of AMD as its sources. PlayStation 3 has used NVIDIA tech since its inception.

AMD and Sony chief transformation officer George Bailey have both refused to comment on the matter, with the latter even refusing to, unsurprisingly, acknowledge its existence.

Reports in the past year have indicated that development on PlayStation 4 has kicked off in some form at several developers from the Sony Worldwide Studios family.

The console was reported earlier this year to make a surprising debut at E3 in June, but that has been debunked by Sony boss Kaz Hirai.

Sony launched its next-gen portable PlayStation Vita in the US and Europe yesterday. It released in Australia today.

Thanks, Gekidami.

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