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Sony's Hirai debunks PS4 E3 reveal rumours - details

Sony Computer Entertainment chairman Kazuo Hirai has flatly denied whispers of an imminent PlayStation 4 reveal at E3 in June.

Speaking to press at CES in Las Vegas, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, Hirai backed up recent comments from SCE boss Andrew House.

"Andy (House) is absolutely right in that we are not making any announcements at E3,” he said.

“I’ve always said a 10-year life cycle for PS3, and there is no reason to go away from that.”

The ever-present powder keg of next-gen hardware rumour exploded this week after a spark from MCV. The site claimed both a new Xbox and PlayStation console will be shown at E3 2012, citing third-party sources.

At least one new piece of hardware is expected in June, as Nintendo give a full reveal of Wii U, debuted last year after months of leaks - but nothing else is likely to surface.

PlayStation 3 is just over five years old and likely isn't going anywhere, despite constant rumours to the contrary, and Microsoft also seems far from ready to move on new hardware, and failed to present a rumoured hardware announcement.

Thanks, Engadget.

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