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Report - Aonuma mentions new Zelda title to celebrate 25th anniversary, unveiling at E3

Nintendo is set to announce a brand new Zelda title to celebrate the series' 25th anniversary at E3 next week, according to a report from P-Nintendo.

Series producer Eiji Aonuma apparently made word of the plan in an appearance on Japanese TV.

We're guessing this could be in relation to a Famitsu live-stream the developer appeared in yesterday, considering the French site is carrying new Ocarina of Time 3DS details. Aonuma was there to show the game.

Back at GDC in March, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata said series creator Shigeru Miyamoto was "working on the plan that will allow all Zelda lovers to celebrate together" the 25th anniversary, although didn't specify how that would pan out.

We've emailed Nintendo UK for comment. If there's news on the anniversary, expect it to be announced at the company's E3 press conference on Tuesday. We'll be there live.

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