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Rainbow Six Siege is all about new operators and maps, not new game modes

Rainbow Six Siege creative director says new game modes are "something that we do not want to do."

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Rainbow Six Siege is in its second year and if you were hoping for a new game mode or two to liven up the routine humdrum of bomb defusal and hostage rescue, you're out of luck.

Speaking to PC Gamer, creative director Xavier Marquis said that new game modes are "something that we do not want to do."

Going on to elaborate, Marquis added, "The map can be different, the operators can be different, but we need something static and that is Siege mode. Siege is the center of everything."

Brand director Alexandre Remy described Siege as "the DNA of the game," leading to the dev team's conclusion that they would stick with the formula and expand on it with new operators and maps.

"...there's so much depth with operators and destruction. That has a lot to offer, so the focus is always going to be on refreshing the meta with operators and new maps."

Although Year 2 will see four seasonal updates rolling out eight new operators and four new maps in the same format as last year, Remy shared plans for another 50 operators, with hopes of doubling that over the next couple of years.

"The moment that we hit 50 operators, that's the minimum that we actually want," he explained.

When asked whether so many operators would work, Remy responded, "That was one of the questions that was asked by management here, weren't we going to be doing the same operators over and over again? But the idea is that you actually want enough operators so that each pick you have a choice.

"Thermite for a long time was not a choice, everyone had to pick him in a team because he was the only one who could breach into a reinforced wall. Introducing Hibana, all of a sudden the player could perform that task with a choice.

At that moment every choice is tough choice for the player and not an obvious one. To come to that moment, you need a minimum of 50. When we have 50, that'll be when the game is at its peak in terms of strategy.

"Looking at MOBAs, those games have from 80 to 100 characters and that still works."

Could Rainbow Six Siege be headed to MOBA territory with new operators dropping in to refresh the metagame, rather than relying on new game modes? Do you think it could work with a game like this?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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