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Quick quotes: FIFA Street rebooted due to people losing "interest" in past efforts

"This is a reboot of the FIFA Street franchise, so what you know of FIFA Street 1, 2 and 3, you can forget about it. What we really wanted to do is come out with the first truly great street football experience. There hasn't been one yet. FIFA Street 1, 2 and 3 barely tried, they came out kinda good and then a little bit into the experience, people kinda lost interest. So we wanted really to create a game that had that depth that was missing in the games of the past. This is the first game that's going to be built by members of the FIFA team on the FIFA engine… There's no need to go overtly arcade in street football because when you see some of the cool stuff people can do, they already seems arcadey enough, I don't need to jump over someone's shoulders when I can already do some cool stuff with the ball as it is." - FIFA Street line producer Sid Misra, speaking to GameSpot.

FIFA Street launches next March for PS3 and 360. Get the most recent trailer for it here.

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