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Quantic Dream "open" to becoming first-party Sony studio

Quantic Dream co-founder David Cage has said the studio is "open" to becoming a first-party studio under the Sony Worldwide Studios family.

""We're open to all options, but again, we're not a studio driven by money,"Cage told IGN.

"It's an important element, of course, but it's not like 'Tell me how much money you give me and I'm going to do whatever you want.'

"But what matters to us is, 'what is the project, what is the long-term vision, do we share common vision for the studio?' We're really passionate, it's not just me, there's a team behind me that's incredibly talented and passionate about what we're doing, what could be the vision for the studio. And if all this makes sense, then yeah, why not joint Sony or another partner. We're open to all options."

Cage reiterated its long-term future, however, was with Sony for now.

"We are exclusive to Sony right now, so no, we work only on PlayStation 3."

Cage unveiled tech demo Kara at GDC this week, giving a glimpse as to what the French studio's next project could be. We chatted with the developer about it and more here.

There's video of the IGN interview below.

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