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PS4 APU "by far the most powerful" AMD has produced

AMD global business manager John Taylor has said the accelerated processing unit in the PlayStation 4 is the best the company has ever produced.

"We have not built an APU quite like that for anyone else in the market," Taylor told the Inquirer.

"It is by far the most powerful APU we have built to date."

Taylor said the APU leverages new tech which will appear in AMD's new generation A-series later this year, which will be sold directly to consumers.

"None that will quite be to that level of sheer number of cores, sheer number of teraflops," he added.

The PlayStation 4 has an x86 APU, and that AMD will be selling similar tech directly to PC users shows just how PC-like the console's architecture is - but it's worth remembering that the custom tech has been specially designed through a collaboration between the two companies, so you can't just rebuild a PS4 in your basement.

Sony hasn't released full tech specs, but the console has 8GB of RAM and can churn out over 1.8 teraflops of processing power.

Thanks, Dragon 246.

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