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Project Palianytsia is a horror mystery game in the works at Frogwares

While not the game it wanted to work on next, the war in Ukraine has forced the studio to change its plans.

Frogwares are currently working on a new horror game with the working title Project Palianytsia.

While the first reveal should happen within a few months, the team decided to show off a bit of concept art ahead of time to get you interested.

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According to Frogwares, the war in Ukraine has forced them to suspend its next open-world game and shift the team over to something different and more streamlined. This is where Project Palianytsia comes into play.

The horror mystery game is said to be something The Sinking City and Sherlock Holmes fans should like. While not the project Frogwares had originally planned on doing next, due to the war taking place, it had to re-evaluate everything.

"As an independent studio, we always have to balance our resources and workflow to be able to deliver our games," said Frogwares. "But the war has thrown notable hurdles at us and our established process. Constant communication and iteration between teams is harder to maintain, so we need a project where staff can have more autonomy.

"Roles and responsibilities had to shift around to fill the gaps left by those who signed up to fight or provide humanitarian aid. And the threat that tomorrow something could happen somewhere or to someone that would force us to drastically adapt all over again means we need to be more flexible. With this in mind, we had a decision to make.

"Do we go ahead with a large scope project and risk disruption, have less room for R&D and innovation, less access to your highly skilled staff, and have smaller pre-production and development of specific tools? Or perhaps we can be smarter about this, and create a project with an easier turnaround and a tighter scope - but still ambitious, packed with quality, and with great storytelling and mystery behind it. This way, we can not only make a new game, but do so while supporting those fighting.

Again, a reveal will happen shortly, and the team is looking at other ways to bring the game to players directly.

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