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PlayStation Rewards Program wraps beta, gets delayed indefinitely

Not all betas function as glorified demos while their creators sip champagne, run victory laps, and then come to the very unpleasant realization that physically mixing metaphors probably isn't the best idea. Case in point: the PlayStation Rewards Program. Its beta is nearly across the finish line, but it's far from home free.

"We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in the PlayStation Rewards Beta, which is ending on March 31st. Your feedback helped us understand the kinds of things that make you feel appreciated and valued," Sony told beta participants in a recent email (as reported by 1UP).

"Based on what we learned, we have decided the program is not ready to roll out to the public in April as originally planned. But rest assured, we will continue to thank loyal and devoted customers like you with innovative offerings."

In its current form, the program offers all manner of spiffy bonuses - including avatars, themes, Home content - in exchange for participation as a member of the PlayStation playerbase and the completion of goal-oriented quests. When/if the program returns, however, it could very well be an entirely different beast.

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