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Project GG is Platinum Games' next game, directed by Kamiya [Update]

The next Platinum 4 reveal has been made.

Update: The Platinum 4 website has been updated with a teaser trailer giving us a first look at Project GG. The game is indeed the final episode in director Hideki Kamiya's superhero trilogy.

The trailer is entirely CG, but appears to show aliens attacking the planet, with a person in a mechanised suit taking them on. In a message to fans, Kamiya confirmed that this is the studio's first self-published title, and revealed a little about the process.

"For everything from [Project GG's] setting and characters, to its game design and story, to how it’s promoted – Platinum Games is in full control," said Kamiya.

"We’ll be taking on new risks that we’ve never had to assume before as a contracted developer. Having full control over the Project GG IP gives us a ton of freedom, but also a ton of responsibility. Still, I think we can harness that sense of responsibility and turn it into motivation to make Project GG the best game it can be."

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A release target wasn't revealed, and Platinum didn't mention any specific platforms. The developer is hiring for the project, though, so it's a ways off.

You can read the original story below.

Original story: As promised, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu revealed the next game on Platinum Games' plate.

Dubbed Project GG, the hero action game is being directed by Hideki Kamiya. Project GG is meant to be the end of Kamiya's superhero trilogy, which consists of Viewtiful Joe and The Wonderful 101.

"Where Viewtiful Joe is Kamen Rider-esque in that one guy transforms into a hero, and The Wonderful 101 is more like a group of people transforming into heroes, Project G.G. is a giant hero-esque title," Kamiya explained, as translated by Gematsu.

According to Famitsu, the game will be unlike anything Platinum has done before, with the developer aiming to make it available across all platforms. Project GG will be self-published, and the IP is entirely owned by Platinum.

"While its feel as an action game is important, it is not a game solely focused on action," added Kamiya.

Whatever Project GG is, though, it sounds like it's very early days for it. Studio head, Atsushi Inaba, mentioned that Platinum is still putting together a development team.

Project GG is the second of four Platinum 4 announcements. Although the site itself has yet to be updated, this will likely change soon.

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