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Planetside 2 patch guards against spawn camping

Planetside 2 has received a massive pach jam-packed with new features and requested fixes.

There are a number of interesting changes in the patch. Most pertinently, spawn camping - something of an endemic problem - has been given a bit of a kicking. Facilities have been rejigged so there are more exits and defence is easier, and if you kill a player who spawned less than ten seconds ago or has earned less than 5 XP, you'll only get 25% of the XP you would if you weren't a dirty camper.

Spotting has been overhauled, too. Thanks to a cooldown timer on unsuccessful spots means there'll be no more mashing Q for you, and enemies over 30m away will have to be targeted for spotting to work properly.

You can see the full patch notes, which are considerably more extensive, on PCGamesN.

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