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Planescape: Torment sequel gets Avellone's blessing

Planescape: Torment has been rumoured for the sequel treatment following chatter from Obsidian's Chris Avellone and one of the writers on the original Chris McComb. As Avellone is too busy with the Project Eternity Kickstarter, he has given McComb his permission to proceed with the game with Wasteland 2 developer InXile's help. Set geekgasm sensors to 'violent'.

Responding to his own blog post called "What Next?" - in which McComb waxed theoretical on what project he could pursue after his work wraps on Wasteland 2 - the writer contacted Eurogamer to say that yes, he is moving forward with a successor to Planescape: Torment.

He said, "As you may recall, Chris [Avellone] mentioned his ideas for a spiritual successor to Torment with some frequency over the summer. This stemmed (at least in part) from discussions he and I were having about the possibility of resurrecting the IP, and this led to my reaching out to Wizards of the Coast.

"That did not yield fruit, but it did get the two of us talking about what we'd like to see in any regard, and we both agreed that Planescape was not the best route for us to take anyway, due to the mechanical issues and editorial oversight WotC would want.

"The Project: Eternity Kickstarter took them in a different direction than a direct successor. I told Chris that I would not work on a Torment successor without his approval. We talked about it for a bit, and he told me that he was entirely comfortable with me moving forward on a Torment game without him, and he gave me his explicit blessing to do it.

"Right now he's incredibly involved with Project: Eternity, and I do not want to distract him from a project that is incredibly important to his company. With that said, I would be happy - no, wait, overjoyed - to have him on board in any capacity whatsoever."

It comes as McComb openly stated he would love to work on a Planescape: Torment follow-up over the weekend. Looks like he got his wish.


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