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Pitchford: Brothers in Arms announcement “very soon”

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has confirmed that an announcement on the developer's next iteration of Brothers in Arms is coming "very soon."

"We absolutely love the Brothers in Arms series and the next game in the series is currently in development and expect to see and hear about it all very soon,” Pitchford told the amazingly-named XG247 at last night's BAFTA showcase of Duke Nukem Forever.

Gearbox confirmed back at PAX in Seattle last year that a new iteration of Brothers in Arms was in development, but not much else.

The last title in the series, published by Ubisoft, was Hells Highway back in 2008.

Since then, Gearbox has been working on Borderlands and multiple packs of DLC, as well as bringing back Duke Nukem Forever from the brink. It also has Aliens: Colonial Marines from Sega and various other secret projects in development, one of which is thought to be Borderlands 2.

Watch for E3, innit.

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