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Petroglyph's Victory resurfaces with Korean co-developer

End of Nations, Mytheon and Grey Goo developer Petroglyph Games seems to have salvaged a stalled project.


Victory popped up back in early 2013 after Trion Worlds took End of Nations in-house.

Petroglyph's attempt to crowdfund the unusual strategy title ended in iniquity, but it vowed to do whatever it could to bring the game to market.

Apparently one of its leads panned out, as Victory Command (not the new title) has appeared online. A free to play online 5v5 affair, it's described as a real time strategy but seems to have some unusual, MOBA-like features. Check out the gameplay video below for a better idea.

The project is being co-developed by Seoul studio Neoact, best known for Chaos Online. You can sign up for the beta on the game's website, if you fancy it.

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