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Petroglyph trademarks Deadscape, lay-offs rumoured

Two little bits of gossip regarding RTS developer Petroglyph suggesting job cuts and a new game in the works.

Both stories come via Blue's News, which cites an anonymous source close to the developer.

According to the whisperer, Petroglyph has made another round of lay-offs, and at this stage only has about 20% of the staff it had when Trion Worlds took End of Nations in-house in early December.

Petroglyph confirmed it made lay-offs just a few days later, but has yet to comment on this alleged second round of job cuts.

The developer did make an attempt at crowdsourcing with Victory, but suffered an ignoble failure.

Happily, it looks like it may have another project on the go; Blue was tipped off to trademark and service mark filings for Deadscape, apparently an unannounced game.

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