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Peter Molyneux would love to make Fable 4, but don't hold your breath

Fable 4: almost certainly not happening.


Fable 4 should obviously happen, and former Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux agrees.

"It’s crazy that Fable 4 isn’t being made. I would love to do Fable 4, and the studio tried to do it. You’d have to get the original team back together though," Molyneux said in an interview with OXM published on GamesRadar

Molyneux's comment about the studio trying to make Fable 4 is charted in a great feature article on Eurogamer - in which Microsoft comes across as a Bad Guy, pushing the games-as-service model so we ended up with the eventually cancelled Fable Legends instead of Fable 4. Lionhead's arguably unrealistic ambition when handed this brief shouldn't be overlooked, though.

If you're keen on the idea of Fable 4, you and Molyneux aren't alone. Although you'd think so many years on one property would lead to fatigue, some former Lionhead staffers tried to keep Fable Legends going, and were eventually successful in gaining Microsoft's permission for a CCG called Fable Fortune. The project's been pretty quiet, but developer Flaming Fowl is intermittently active on social media. Someone wants to keep that universe alive.

I'd love to think that Microsoft in its post-Phil Harrison years would reconsider the idea of Fable 4, but first-party Microsoft development has shrunk to the point that there's not really anybody to make it - and there are very few indies big enough to tackle such a project, either.

Even if the platform holder could be convinced to front another profitable but not blockbuster-earner RPG, it's probably have to absorb the cost of setting up a whole new studio. Could the old Lionhead leaders be convinced to abandon their current projects to come back and try again, despite all the bad blood?

Well, like I said, I'm not holding my breath. Hit the source link above for some fascinating stuff on Kinect and Milo, Molyneux's relationship with the press and Fable 2's dog.

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