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PC development 'quite reasonable', says DmC producer

Asked whether the smaller audience for PC gaming means producing ports is an expensive chore, Capcom's Alex Jones staunchly defended the viability of the platform.

"If you do your job right on the console side you can generally develop a PC version quite reasonably from both a budget and production logistics standpoint," Jones told TruePCGaming.

Jones served as Capcom USA's senior producer on DmC, and said the project had the advantage of using a "top notch PC development house", which made things "infinitely easier".

"Honestly the whole process was actually fairly devoid of drama or notable failures. We staggered the development such that we avoided long-running dependencies between the console and the PC team," he said.

"Much of the credit goes to both Ninja Theory, the primary developer and the creators of the game, and our PC development partners at Q-loc. Both groups did a great job. At the publishing level we decided very early in the console development that we were going to do a PC version and that allowed us to the proper planning and staging of the development to ensure as smooth a dev cycle as possible."

Jones said a proper PC version of DmC was essential as the most core fans demanded a 60 FPS version, which could only be delivered on PC.

"The second most important thing was making sure we got it out as close to the console version as possible so our PC players would not feel like an afterthought," he added.

DmC released on consoles in mid-January and hit Steam about two weeks later.

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