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Papers, Please nation Arstotzka modded into Civilization 5

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Papers, Please is set in the great nation of Arstotzka, and it appears the country's influence is spreading. The fictional setting is now a playable nation in Civilization 5, thanks to a new mod.

Modder Snakeeater337 pushed out the Arstotzka mod on Steam Workshop, and it adds all new units and structures, along with an orchestral take on the Papers, Please soundtrack.

In tribute to Lucas Pope's game, players can build border checkpoints that serve as police stations, and there's even a Glory To Arstotzka trait that boosts citizen production and worker tallies. However, it dents your nation's food and happiness, much like in the original game.

The mod's still being developed but is playable now. Hit Steam Workshop to see how it's going.

Via Polygon.

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