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Oddboxx to get non-Steam release next month

The Oddworld website has confirmed that the Oddboxx will get a release on other digital distribution services from next month.

The collection of titles, which includes Abe's Odyssey and Abe's Exodus as well as ports of Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath, was released on Steam back in December.

But beginning on the week of March 7, the collection will hit distributors like D2D, GamersGate, Impulse, Amazon and more yet to be announced.

In addition, the Oddboxx will also get a 50 percent discount on that week, which will also apply to Steam.

Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath will also get updates for new features during that time: Oddysee will get new achievements and widescreen support, while Wrath will get Xbox 360 controller support.

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