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No "s***ty" sequel for Darksiders, says Nordic boss

Nordic Games, which successfully bid for the vast majority of remaining THQ properties, may have some new games as soon as this summer - although don't expect it to crank out a "shitty" Darksiders sequel.

Speaking to GameInformer, Nordic CEO Lars Wingefors said that the publisher had been in discussions with THQ since January, and offered to pay a premium to nab as many lots as it did without having to outbid the competition on individual properties. He said Darksiders, Red Faction and Titan Quest definitely attracted other bids.

The executive seemed refreshingly open, commenting that it simply didn't have the money to pick up properties like Saints Row, which he said went for $22 million, and saying that Nordic is a middle-man, without the in-house talent to develop the recently-acquired properties the way they deserve.

To that end, the publisher will eventually enter into talks with third-parties; in an earlier report, Wingefors said a top-notch European developer had been in touch regarding Red Faction, and that he'd be interested in talking to Crytek USA, the former Vigil team, about Darksiders.

"We'll be sitting down, I think, in the next week to discuss all those options. It takes a very long time to make games. You won't see a new Darksiders this year. I don't believe in bringing out a shitty sequel," he said.

That's not to say that we won't be seeing some of these properties on sale sooner rather than later.

"I'm sure we can find a solution for at least one of the IPs, or a few of the IPs, this year. Potentially this summer. There will be a lot of discussions at E3, but it's hard to say. I'm very open minded and flexible. I trust a handshake. I just need to find the right people," Wingefors said.

"Each IP has its own merits. I do have a deep love for MX vs ATV. I have sold loads through the years, and I know it is a big community. I think that will be less tricky to make a good game with.

"Titan Quest drew a lot of attention in the past 24 hours. There is great love for Titan Quest. I am sure you will see a sequel in the future, but I don't know when," he added.

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