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Ninja Gaiden 3 bundle comes with Dragon Sword Move periperal

Canadian retailer Videogames Plus is taking pre-orders for a Ninja Gaiden 3 bundle, which includes a Dragon Sword PS Move peripheral.

It's unknown if the listing is a leak, or regional specific, but we'll send a mail and ask.

According to the listing, it comes with a recharge cable, open port exposure, and is made of polyurethane soft foam so if someone gets in your way on accident it won't poke the hell out of them.

It also states the peripheral is "universally compatible with all PS3 games," so if you want to use the sword playing MLB the Show or LBP2, nothing is stopping you from popping your Move controller in and doing just that.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is slated for release on March 20 in the US March 23 in Europe.

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