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Microsoft to reveal new Xbox One hardware and controller at E3 2016 - report

Microsoft will reportedly have a few different bits of new hardware to show off at E3 2016.

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Microsoft to reveal new Xbox One hardware and controller at E3 2016 - report

It seems not a week goes by without there being reports and rumours of platform holders working on new hardware.

Sony's upgraded PlayStation 4, codenamed 'Neo' is all but confirmed at this point, and it seems Microsoft too is working on new Xbox hardware.

Following the recent leak of production notes of an Xbox One slim model from a Chinese manufacturer, a new report from a Microsoft insider has added credence to the idea of new Xbox hardware.

Citing sources at the company, blogger Brad Sams shared some interesting details about Microsoft's E3 2016 plans on Paul Thurrott's blog, a site known for breaking Microsoft-related news early.

According to Sams, new Xbox hardware will be announced at the show, as well as a new controller. The controller is said to have a similar design to the current pad, possibly with a default white colour.

Sams says the controller will be "updated", but doesn't share whether or not it will have any other substantial changes, outside of the colour. Microsoft has already updated its controller once before, around the same time last year, to remove the need for a proprietary headset adapter.

As for the new Xbox, the report suggests it'll be a "much bigger deal than an updated standard controller," though information is sparse.

E3 2016 takes place June 14-16.

Be sure to check out our E3 2016 hub for all the news, videos, screenshots, interviews and much more, live and direct for this year's show.

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