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MGS: Peace Walker reviews start sneaking in, EG goes with 8


Kept you waiting, huh? Reviews for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker have started to trickle in? How has it fared? Hit the link for everything so far.

Eurogamer's gone up with an eight for the Snake Eater sequel. Here's a blurb from the piece:

"It's sad, and not entirely Kojima Productions' fault, that at times Peace Walker is just too much game for the system it's on. But it is so very much game - I haven't even mentioned the competitive multiplayer (it's not that exciting to be fair, only supporting six players) or the fact that, of course, it's riddled with hilarious and strange easter eggs, not least the Monster Hunter cameo stages."

As for everyone else, full list is below.

If you have any more links to add, do so below.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker releases today in the US, and launches in the UK next Friday for PSP.

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