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Underwater exploration, more character abilities and maps coming to LEGO Worlds

LEGO Worlds' roadmap takes in some very welcome new features.


LEGO Worlds developer Traveller's Tales is proving pretty communicative on its Early Access building game, providing details on what the team has in the pipeline at present.

In a new Steam Community post, the developer said it's working on making underwater areas explorable. Players will have limited breathing time, unless they utilise an underwater vehicle. Once exploring is working well, TT Games wants to implement underwater life, too.

Regarding survival, story and RPG gameplay elements, TT Games said it doesn't want to split the game into distinct modes, but will be implementing systems it has seen and admired in other titles. More information on this is promised before the next major update.

Addressing one of the most-requested game features, TT games confirmed it is working on a map and waypoint system so players can find their way back to their creations. It also plans to implement more special abilities like transforming and summoning creatures.

As for multiplayer, the developer can't really talk about it yet. The game's engine was originally designed with local co-op in mind, and as such, the studio has to build networking features in as it goes.

"There’s a lot of testing required here before we can roll anything out to the community, but it is something we’re taking seriously and actively working on because it’s part of the core appeal – building together," TT Games said.

"So with apologies we can’t offer any new information about an ETA on multiplayer, but when we know, you’ll know."

TT Games is also working on LEGO World's camera, adding functionality to existing inventory items, working on the user interface, adding in more brick types, better animations and audio, visual improvements and procedurally generated towns and settlements.

Although most of the features under discussion are probably a little further out, TT Games promised information on its second major update this week - so the patch is probably not too far off.

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