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LEGO The Lord of the Rings Xbox 360 copies in the US contain demo disc - report

LEGO The Lord of the Rings launches today in the US, and it appears some of the Xbox 360 copies at GameStop contain a demo disc instead of the actual game, Game Informer reports.

Clerks at some of the stores have said the Xbox 360 version of the game has been recalled, while other stores are opening shipments to double check the discs.

Other versions don't seem to be facing the same issue, and its unknown if it is all shipments at this time, or just at GameStop.

Just be sure to check the package first before walking out the door.

The game launches in the UK on November 23 and will be available for 3DS, DS, PC, PS3, Vita, Wii, and Xbox 360.

Launch screens are below alongside the launch trailer, which is courtesy of Machinima.

Watch on YouTube

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