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Legend of Grimrock editor, iOS and Mac versions still in the works

Almost Human has updated its website in order to let folks know the level editor for Legend of Grimrock is not only still in the works, but "starting to shape up well."

"We are almost in alpha stage now which means that we are just a few features short of being able to build Grimrock level dungeons with it," reads the post. "Please note that alpha is going to be an internal milestone for us and we are not going to do public testing on it, so no need to send applications for testing at this point."

The firm said a progress video on the editor will be released soon.

Meanwhile, some "pre-production for a new Grimrock related project," is also in the works but the firm is still "undecided what this project is going to be," but some parameters are certain: more monsters and new environments, with a new themed wallset and two "fearsome monsters" already in the pipeline.

The iOS and Mac versions of the title are also still in the works, but at this time the firm doesn't have anything else to announce.

So, in other words, continue to be patient.

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