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Humble Bundle 7 out now, chockers with great games

The latest Humble Bundle includes some big-name indie games as well as a copy of Indie Game: The Movie.

The core game line up is Retro Affect's side-scrolling puzzler Snapshot; The Binding of Isaac, a rogue-like top-down shooter from Team Meat's Edmund McMillen plus its expansion Wrath of the Lamb; black-and-white puzzler Closure, which snaffled a DICE prize last year; and Klei's Shank 2.

You'll also get a copy of the documentary Indie Game: The Movie, which tells the story of Super Meat Boy, Braid and Fez, and soundtracks for all six of the featured games.

Six? I hear you ask, staring at your fingers in mathematical puzzlement. Indeed: if you pony up more than the average price - currently $6.14 - you'll get a copy of first-person, turn-based dungeon crawler The Legend of Grimrock and cross-platform multiplayer flagship Dungeon Defenders.

As ever, purchasers set their own price, and can choose how their contribution is split across developers, the Humble Bundle itself, and a charity - the EFF and Child's Play are in the spotlight this time around.

All games are offered DRM free and cross-platform for Linux, Mac and PC. Go ye and obtain.

Thanks, worntreads.

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