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Legacy DLC to address some player feedback in Dragon Age II

Dragon Age senior producer Fernando Melo said BioWare has taken player feedback from DAII into serious consideration, and while he admits there is only so much the firm can do to fix complaints with DLC, it’s “addressing,” the issue.

Speaking with RPS ahead of the Legacy DLC release next week, Melo said the content won't "solve everything" but is instead a first-step in the next direction.

“If somebody comes in and they’re expecting that this single DLC is going to solve everything — whatever everything is for them — then clearly this is not going to meet their expectations," he said. "If it’s somebody that enjoys DA2, they will absolutely love it. If it’s somebody that enjoys the lore and story of Dragon Age, I think they’ll absolutely love it. If somebody was kind of on the fence with DA2 and they’re still willing to come in with an open mind and give it a chance, I think they’ll be pleasantly surprised with what they find here. Hopefully.

“For sure there are certain people who probably wanted Origins 2 with Dragon Age 2; we did not go in that direction. This DLC is not going to solve that for them.”

Legacy, according to Melo, won't have mobs “pop out of walls”. Instead, enemies will provide harder combat scenarios and even ambushes.

“People wanted to feel they had more tactically challenging combat, where they had to draw on their abilities a lot more and use their parties more effectively,” he said. “You’re walking into their space, they [the creatures] know it intimately. You’re the one who is at a loss. They have the advantage.”

Legacy arrives on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 July 26.

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