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Kinect releasing in Australia on November 18


Microsoft said today that Kinect will hit Australia on November 18, priced solus at A$199 (£116, $179).

As Gamespot reports, the camera will also be available in a pack with Kinect Adventures. Australian Xbox 360 group manager Jeremy Hinton confirming 15 games will be available at launch at an event today.

For A$449 (£262, $404), punters will also be able to buy a 4GB Xbox 360 Slim bundle, complete with the machine, the Kinect camera, a copy of Kinect Adventures, one controller and standard AV cables.

Microsoft has previously confirmed the machine will cost £129 in the UK, $149 in the US and €149 in mainland Europe.

The UK 4Gb console, camera and Kinect Adventures will be packaged together at £250.

It hits the US on November 4, to be followed in Europe on November 10.

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