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No, this isn't how to run a successful video game Kickstarter

Kickstarters either end successfully or don't. It's gamble, and sometimes, on occasion, a successful crowd-funding endeavor will go t*ts up not long after the funding goals are met.

The latter is the subject of this strip posted by Dorkly. I have to admit, it's not only poignant, but rather chuckle worthy in some respects.

The idea of pledging to a Kickstarter seems to have lost a bit a sheen of late, at least in the gaming community.

While some gamers have always either loved or hated the idea, the controversies surrounding Yogventures and Areal of late have brought the dangers of backing a project back into the spotlight.

The strip below, is Dorkly's dig at Yogventures. Enjoy it or poke it at will.

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