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Introduction of Aussie R18+ game rating would create jobs

Brendan O'Connor, Australia's minister for home affairs, has said that the adoption of an R18+ rating for games in the country would create jobs. Consultation on the adult-only rating is taking place in July.

Speaking to a students at the University of Ballarat, O'Connor said: "An adult classification for video games will provide better guidance for parents and remove unsuitable material from children and teenagers.

"It will also create further opportunities for Australian computer game developers, distributors and retailers. We want to create opportunities for our young people in diverse parts of the economy."

O'Connor has long been an advocate for the introduction of the R18+ rating in Australia, for which he believes there is a widespread community desire and a need in order to better protect children from adult-themed games.

Currently, Australian game ratings only extend as far as MA15+, leading to a number of games, including Valve's Left 4 Dead 2, having to be censored to make them suitable for this younger age range.

Games such as Manhunt and Mortal Kombat have been refused classification entirely, effectively banning them from sale.

Thanks, Gamespot

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