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Humble Bundle for Android adds five more incentive titles

The fourth Humble Indie Bundle for Android has upped the ante in its final week.

Five whole new games have been added to the deal for those who pay more than the average price; it's currently sitting at $6.35.

The original pack was already pretty sweet, but you can now get Avadon: The Black Fortress, Canabalt, Cogs, Swords and Soldiers and Zen Bound 2 as well. The additional games will be retroactively awarded to anyone who paid above average at time of purchase, too.

Visit the Humble Bundle site to pick up the pack. All games are compatible with Linux, Mac and PC in addition to Android devices; and as they're DRM free, you can install them as many times as you'd like. Proceeds are split at the user's discretion between developers, charity, and the organisers.

Thanks, Indie Game Magazine.

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