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Homeland Security lends a hand in PSN data breach investigation; Sony changes FAQ

Oh boy. This just keeps getting better.

More updates on the PSN data breach have reached our watering eyes, get caught up below.

Sony does indeed ask for a user's CVC

Sony had claimed earlier in its FAQ on the matter that it never requested users' CVC or CSC numbers off the back of their credit cards. These three numbers are provided to make sure the card is both valid and to protect the card holder from fraudulent purchases.

The FAQ posted by Sony has now scratched out the bit that states it "never requested," the code off the back of card from "anyone who has joined the PlayStation Network or Qriocity." It has been updated with the admission that it does ask for the code, but still says that it is not store in its data base. The bit scratched out always seemed a bit odd to us, as 99.99 percent of the time we make a purchase digitally, this number is asked for.

At least it is not stored by Sony. Hopefully that part won't be scratched out again later.

Thanks, Mike.

Department of Homeland Security

According to a report over on Industry Gamers, via Gamasutra, the US Department of Homeland Security is lending a hand with the investigation of the PSN data breach.

The DHS's Computer Emergency Readiness Team is working with law enforcement, "international partners and Sony to assess the situation," said the government body's Chris Ortman to NextGov.

Apparently, the FBI is also involved, something we figured would happen from the get-go.

"The FBI is aware of the reports concerning the alleged intrusion into the Sony on line game server and we have been in contact with Sony concerning this matter," said FBI special agent Darrell Foxworth. "We are presently reviewing the available information in an effort to determine the facts and circumstances concerning this alleged criminal activity."

No word yet on whether the CIA, NSA, ATF, or Lt. Horatio Caine will be lending a hand soon or not.

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