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Current HoloLens prototype has noticeably "tighter" FoV compared to January build

Microsoft's augmented reality headset HoloLens is still very much in the prototype stage, according to various reports out of the Build Conference.


Microsoft hasn't discussed technical specs with the press yet as nothing is set in stone, but during a hands-on at Build, Ars Technica noticed the prototypes had a "x86 processor, 2GB RAM, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and a 60Hz refresh rate," and were running on a "cut down" build of Windows 10.

The demo Ars took part in was the second for the site, as the first took place in January when HoloLens was announced at Microsoft's Windows 10 event in Seattle.

According to the report, the new demo unit looked more inline with a set of adjustable goggles, and while the unit contained less bulk than the previous iteration, Ars said the prototype's weight was "noticeable." The model has quality sound, "impressive" motion tracking despite a couple glitches, fast spatial mapping, stunning 3D picture quality and effects, and other noticeable improvements.

However, Ars noted the field of view for the device was rather narrow both horizontally and the vertically. In order to have the best experience with the current version, users had to look straight ahead. This was a notable difference from the January build, which didn't have perfect FoV, but it wasn't as "tight" as this build.

Ars said it has heard Microsoft hasn't finalized the FoV, but since the headset is still in full on development, many things will change as the developers fiddle with the tech.

HoloLens hasn't been given a release date, and this provides Microsoft with plenty of time to ensure the interactive holograms overlaid onto real world images will be much larger than what it showed the press in April.

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