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H-Hour: World's Elite successfully funded on Kickstarter

H-Hour: World's Elite, the spiritual PC successor to SOCOM has been successfully funded on Kickstarter. Helmed by former SOCON creative lead David Sears and the team at SOF Studios, the tactical squad shooter still has four days of funding to go.

At the time of writing, the Kickstarter campaign has amassed $209,510 of its $200,000 goal.

Writing on the H-Hour site, Sears said of the milestone, "We made it! With your help--and many of you were tireless promoters of the H-Hour: World's Elite Kickstarter project--we have met our minimum target."

He's now asking backers to send him videos of themselves doing victory dances. I can think of worse ways to spend your Wednesday morning that's for sure.

Are you happy to see SOCOM return in spiritual form at least? Let us know below.

Thanks MP1st.

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