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Guerilla: motion control is the future of FPS

Killzone developer Guerilla Games is so keen on motion control that one team member has said he believes in the future all FPS titles will utilise it.

"I think, as this develops, in a few years most of the first-person-shooters will be played like this," Guerilla's motion control head Tommy de Roos told CVG.

"I really think so. Maybe not the Move specifically but a pointing controller like this."

In a separate interview with Ars Technica, de Roos said the Amsterdam-based studio toyed with the idea of creating a motion control version of Killzone 2.

"One of the first ideas was to create an on-rails version of Killzone 2," he said. "But once we realized how much work that would be, since all encounters would have to be re-scripted, we decided against it."

Thanks Joystiq, GoNintendo.

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