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Gone Home has sold over 50,000 copies so far

Gone Home developer The Fullbright Company has announced that its Steam release has generated more than 50,000 sales since it launched on August 15.

The game is currently selling for £14.99/$19.99 on Steam and £20 over on the official site.

It casts you as a person who has just returned from a year abroad. You enter your family home and expect your loved ones to greet you with open arms, except they've all disappeared. It's very mysterious and a novel concept to boot.

Fullbright co-founder Steve Gaynor issued a statement on the sales figures over on the Gone Home site which read, "We're now almost a month out since launching on August 15, and we hope people will find it encouraging to know that, along with the positive critical response we are continually grateful for and humbled by, we are also doing alright as far as sales numbers go!"

Have you played Gone Home yet? Let us know what you think.

Via Eurogamer.

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