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Golden Axe dissenters "suck at games", says Play Online boss

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Play Online chief Dave Halverson has said that all those reviewers - yeah, that's you - who gave Golden Axe: Beast Rider less than a seven [out of 10], either "don't understand game design or just plain suck at games."

"The majority of these people (can’t call them critics) either didn’t complete a fraction of the game, don’t understand game design, or just plain suck at games," writes Halverson.

"The words “Hack ‘n’ Slash” are an instant red flag. Beast Rider is anything but. Mindlessly flailing in frustration because you can’t get the game's simple controls/timing down is no way to play the game.

"Most gamers out there who would buy Beast Rider are far better players than the people rushing through a level or two to write these sad reviews; a sad but ever pervasive sign of the times," he added.

We're saying nothing.

More through the link. Thanks NegativeGamer.

By Mike Bowden

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