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GOG's online service GOG Galaxy is now in open beta

GOG Galaxy, the DRM-free online gaming platform from the folks at GOG, has left Alpha and is now in open beta for all to try.


As previously announced, the online service, similar to Steam, is option. Players do not need to play online as all games are stored by the service and can be played offline.

Services such as automatic updates can be turned on or off allowing users to personalize their experience.

No matter whether the game was purchased on Steam or GOG, users will not need third-party apps or accounts as Galaxy Cross-Play enabled, which means you can play online with your Steam friends.

GOG said Galaxy will have 1,000 games at launch with more titles being added in the future with the first major release The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Like other titles on the service, the game will offer automatic updates, achievements and stats.

You can download the service through here.

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