Ghost of Tsushima: How to Sheath Your Sword
There's an easy way to draw your katana at any point or put it back in its scabbard.
A big part of Ghost of Tsushima is the fantasy of the classic samurai, and part of that is replicating the actions and behaviour one would expect. Bearing that in mind, we'll show you how to sheath your sword whenever you want.
On this page:
How to Sheath Your Sword in Ghost of Tsushima
To sheath your sword in Ghost of Tsushima, you'll need to drag your finger across the trackpad to the right, but without pressing down so hard that it clicks. If the sword is drawn, this'll make Jin sheath it accordingly. If the sword is already sheathed, this'll make him draw it without attacking, holding it at whatever angle is determined by the stance you're currently in.
If Jin has just been in combat, this animation will also show him remove the blood from his blade in one of two ways - either flicking it away, or wiping the sword off in the crook of his elbow. This move is technically referred to as a "gesture," and we've outlined what other gestures you can try at our controls guide here.

If you want all the guides you'd ever need on Ghost of Tsushima, why not check out our full Guides Hub here? Whether it's bosses, collectibles or getting the best armor and weapons, we've got everything you'll need to liberate Tsushima here.
Enemies Sheathing Their Swords
If you're fighting other katana-users and see them suddenly sheath their sword in the middle of combat, they're preparing for a special attack in which they draw it in a flash and sweep it upwards. This move is unblockable, no matter what techniques you've learned, and is most easily avoided by dodging straight backwards when you see the red glint.
If that helped you out, why not check out some of our editorial content on Ghost of Tsushima? Mike's review of the game can be found here, or check out one of the game's cutest hidden features right here.