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Gearbox and former legal counsel agree to end legal battle

Gearbox and former counsel Wade Callender have dropped the suits they filed against one another.

Earlier this week, a Dallas County court dismissed a lawsuit filed by former Gearbox legal counsel Wade Callender, as well as the counter-suit Gearbox filed against Callender, Business Insider reports.

This all started in October 2018 when Callender accused Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford of discrimination, filing a claim with the Civil Rights Division at the Texas Workforce Commission. This prompted Gearbox to sue Callender for, among other things, "fraud and breach of fiduciary duty".

Then, in December, Callender fired back with his own suit, alleging Pitchford had claimed a $12 million bonus from Borderlands publisher Take-Two Interactive for himself, a suit made infamous by Callender's claim that Pitchford had left a USB stick containing confidential company data, and underage porn, at a Dallas restaurant.

The filings also included other damning details about Pitchford's private life, which the Gearbox CEO denied.

The two parties filed for dismissal and issued a joint statement [PDF] that said the evidence "exonerated Randy Pitchford from the allegations against him", and that "misunderstandings between the parties have been corrected".

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