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"F**king bananas": Wolfenstein dev's new game either over the top or some sort of fruit love sim

Wolfenstein developer MachineGames is working on something that probably isn't about getting your favourite protein shake ingredient into bed.

May 21st, 2014 @ 23:45:55

Bethesda boss Pete Hines has made a comment on the new project in the works at MachineGames, developer of Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

"MachineGames has been hard at work on something, which I can tell you I have played," Hines said during the Kinda Funny Gamescast, as transcribed by Gamespot.

"It is f**king bananas. And I can't wait to show what it actually is."

Whatever it "actually" is, we confess a moment's disappointment that it's not about having sex with fruit. That's un under-leveraged niche, probably.

Levity aside, Bethesda is generally pretty locked down PR-wise, so Hines commenting now probably means we'll hear something about the new project in the near-ish future - possibly at E3 2017, after Prey releases in May and the publisher is ready to ramp up its next big thing.

Although Bethesda tends to take it one thing at a time these days, we have been expecting a Wolfenstein reveal thanks to a an E3 2016 tease.

Shown just before the Quake Champions E3 2016 trailer, the tease showed a C:/ file directory with a bunch of filenames related to games in iD Software franchises. Of particular note were three entries in a row - New_Order, Old_Blood and New_Colossus. The release dates for Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood were shown next to their respective entries, while New_Colossus was the only filename with an empty release date field.

So this copulating foodstuff game may well be Wolfenstein: The New Colossus. Both previous MachineGames Wolfenstein releases were well-received and contained content you might describe as pretty intense, even if The Old Blood did go under the radar a little bit.

It could also be something entirely new from the Swedish team, but as Gamespot noted, "The New Colossus" is the title of a sonnet recited by Wolfenstein protag BJ Blazkowicz in The New Order - and also famously partially inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.

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