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A Wolfenstein sequel may have been hinted at during Bethesda's showcase

Bethesda did not announce a new Wolfenstein during their E3 showcase, but they dropped a big hint that a new game in the series might be in the works.


A Wolfenstein sequel may have just been hinted at

The eagle-eyed folks over at PCGamesN picked up on something strange at the start of Bethesda's Quake trailer. It opened with a mock C drive filled with previous Bethesda games, all from series associated with id Software.

Under Wolf3D, New_Order and New_Blood (referring to the original Wolfenstein 3D and its two most recent sequels), there's an entry entitled 'New_Colossus'. It's the only entry in the list that does not have a release date.

Unless this is an elaborate joke - or it's referring to something entirely new - it seems like a pretty clear indicator that a new Wolfenstein title is likely to be in the works. There were, after all, rumours before the show that a new Wolfenstein would be shown.

If any further evidence of a new Wolfenstein appears at E3, it'll appear in our E3 Hub.

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