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Free-to-play game site registers 9 million players


Free-to-play gaming site has announced that 9 million registered players have signed up for the service.

Run by NHN USA, CEO Philip Yun told IndustryGamers that the flux of users has a lot to do with the economy, as "people don't have the disposable income to spend", and are drawn in by the free-to-play model.

"Because we are online only and most of our games are multiplayer, right now, we're very focused on the PC format. Our primary demo is 13 -30 year-olds, of which 80 percent are male. 75 percent are from North America and 25 percent are from South America and Europe, and while we're focused on America, we started providing service in Spanish and German too.

"We're probably going to see 10 million users before the end of the year because of what's coming; we just finished a beta for Alliance of Valiant Arms and when we're done doing fine tuning of the game and Soul of the Ultimate Nation, it's going to bring in more people at the end of the year. Huxley: The Dystopia, and Karma: Operation Barbarossa will also be coming, so look forward to those."

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