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Free DLC for Penny Arcade Adventures 3 due during PAX

Expect an expansion for Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 around the end of next month.

Writing on Penny Arcade, Jerry "Tycho" Holkins said Zeboyd is aiming to have the DLC release alongside PAX Prime, which runs August 31 through September 2 in Seattle.

The free pack is called The Lair Of The Seamstress and will apparently be just the first content drop for the retro-inspired RPG. The last drop (hich may well be the second one; it's not entirely clear) will go into detail on what happened to the player character from the first two games.

"I’m one of those lore weirdos, you know? I always, always, always had a plan," Holkins said.

Zeboyd is also soon to start work on a fourth entry in the series.

Thanks, GamesRadar.

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