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Fire Emblem Fates will allow same-sex marriage

Same-sex matrimonies are going to be supported in Fire Emblem Fates.


Fire Emblem Fates - Fire Emblem If in Japan, brings back the marriage system from Awakening. Only this time, it's allowing for more diversity.

Nintendo confirmed the new addition to Polygon in an interview.

"We believe that our gameplay experiences should reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate and, at the same time, we will always design the game specifications of each title by considering a variety of factors, such as the game's scenario and the nature of the game play," Nintendo said.

Nintendo gave the example of the game's two different editions: Conquest and Birthright. The former features a male character that the player's character can marry, and it's the one players interested in male/male relationships should get.

The latter has a female character that the player can also marry their character to, making it the perfect fit for players looking for female/female relationships.

A third, downloadable edition, will be available at later date and will have both of the aforementioned characters.

This is a far cry from the way Nintendo reacted to same-sex marriage in Tomodachi, and one that is undoubtedly welcome.

Fire Emblem Fates is due this year on the 3DS.

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