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Fire Emblem: Awakening was almost last game in the series, dev reveals

Fire Emblem: Awakening co-producer Hitoshi Yamagami has explained that the 3DS smash hit was - at one point - billed to be the last in the series, until it came out and sold very well.

Speaking with Spanish site Hobby Consola, Yamagami said, "Truth be told, sales are dropping. The sales manager of Nintendo, Mr. Hatano, told us that this could be the last Fire Emblem. Due to this progressive descent in sales, they told us that if the sales of this episode stayed below 250,000 copies, we'd stop working on the saga.

"I remember when I came back from the meeting and told the team, 'My God, what are we gonna do?! The end has come!' Our reaction was clear: If this was going to be the last Fire Emblem, we had to put everything we always wanted to include."

Not to worry though fans, Awakening has utterly smashed that target into tiny little pieces, having sold over 400,000 units in Japan alone since June, and a further 240,000 since it launched in America. The UK launch has also proved fruitful.

But still, a new Advance Wars would be nice, right?

Thanks Destructoid.

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