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Final Fantasy 7 Remake will "expand" original's story

Final Fantasy 7 is too big for a single modern video game, so Square Enix is - making it even bigger? I like how you think, Square.


The Final Fantasy 7 Remake news just won't stop. You remember how Square Enix revealed it was going to be a multi-part release because the team would otherwise have to cut some content?

Well, in a new blog post, producer Yoshinori Kitase suggested Square Enix might not be satisfied with just (just!) recreating the original.

"With Final Fantasy 7 Remake, we have the opportunity to go beyond the story, world and experience of Final Fantasy 7 in ways we’ve always dreamed of - from the depths of Midgar to the skies above the Planet," he said.

"The multi-part format enables us to expand the original story and turn it into an epic experience for fans and new gamers alike."

Wait, what? "Expand the original story"? Expand it? Add more?!

It's fun to speculate on what this expansion might mean. There's plenty of external canon Square could work in - Crisis Core and Advent Children both added significantly to the story, for example. We might also see some explanation or tidying up of a few of the more mysterious moments of the original, which many fans theorise are left over from cut or abandoned content.

The full blog post is worth a read; I feel like Kitase is teasing us about something. An earlier release date than anticipated? A Square Enix Japan game not taking 4,000 years to finish would certainly be something of a shock, hurh hurh.

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