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FIFA 13 Ultimate Team back online, cheater perma-bans issued

FIFA 13's Ultimate Team was taken offline last night for unexplained maintenance, but now that full service has been resumed, EA Sports has shed light on what it was up to during the downtime.

Over on the EA forum, Ultimate Team's community manager shed light on the issue, and explained,"FIFA 13 Ultimate Team is back up and running. Earlier this week, a very small number of users attempted to gain an unfair advantage by manipulating coins.To ensure a fair economy for all our users we decided to take FUT offline in order to restore a level playing field.

"We take issues like this very seriously. Permanent bans for FIFA 13 have been served to all users who attempted to gain an unfair advantage.

"We would like to thank you, the community, for your patience during the downtime. We'll continue to maintain the best experience for all fans of FIFA 13: Ultimate Team."

Cheating and exploits have been a prevalent issue in FIFA 13 Ultimate Team as of late, which saw EA Sports releasing a long list of security tips on its blog.

Have you been burned by Ultimate Team in the past? Let us know below.

Thanks OXM.

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